Easy-to-use SaaS backup for all your Microsoft Office 365 data.

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup is a cloud-based service for Office 365 that offers complete, granular protection of your data with point-in-time retrieval, and both scheduled and on-demand backup. In addition, your data is deduplicated and compressed to maximise storage efficiency and minimise the backup window.

Microsoft recommends that you use third-party backup for your Office 365 data. Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup offers fast backups, highly granular restore capabilities, and unmatched ease of use. Fast search and filter options make restoring data back to your organisation as easy as possible. Optimise your security with 5 levels of granular, role-based access controls that determine who can do what.



Easy to use

Flexible, comprehensive Office 365 support

Cloud native

Find and recover the exact data you want quickly and easily with a newly registered user interface that is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

Back up all your Teams, Exchange, SharePoint, and OneDrive data, and choose full or granular restore depending on your specific needs.

Your Office 365 data is already in the cloud - saving secure, encrypted backups in the same network means better performance and instant scalability.

How secure is your inbox?

Not sure how many of these advanced threats have already slipped past your gateway? Try our free Email Threat Scanner today to receive a comprehensive report on the current threats residing within your inbox that could have been stopped by Barracuda Email Protection.

Email Threat Scanner



Cloud-to-Cloud Backup is included in Barracuda Email Protection.

Email Protection Breakdown

Get Started Today with Barracuda Email Protection

Comprehensive security that stops all 13 types of email threat and protects Office 365 data. Be up and running in minutes with an easy setup. 100% cloud delivered, with no hardware or software to install or maintain—and zero impact on your network performance.